Check out these wallpapers found in our very own, Minneapolis College of Art and Design's cafeteria! Recently, I asked my Intro to Graphic Design students to engage with their local environment & beautify it. Their wallpaper patterns had to address subject matter, narrative, sequence, scale and image
quality——they definitely rose to the task; each of them created 6ft strips of amazing pattern!
Work by: Lottie Anderson, Sydney Appleton, Racquel Banaszak, Clint Bohaty, Kelsey Dusenka, Kelsey Elder, Laura Hedrick, Abbey Freundschuh, Aurelia Gustafson, Samuel Hertogs, Mina Jang, Chad Lorence, Sherri Mueller, Heather Nguyen, Emily Pope, Keith Possehl, Olivia Rodriguez, Lauren Sidell and Heather Tubwon
Nora's has never looked so good!
thanks Kelly for your compliment!!!!
also thanks kindly for your goodie pack. everything is lively and colorful.
I wish these could have stayed up in there. It made the decor much more appetizing then it was and currently is now.
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