Monday, June 28, 2010

from there

hi there out there!
this weekend, i set up a tumblr account. it's just getting going, but this is FUN! i should have done this sooner to keep track of outside sources.

from there


tyler said...

tumblr IS great! i just started one too:

I continue to love seeing all the weird/wonderful stuff you fine!

nath said...

very nice, i like it! i like weheartit even better, have a look -

Dylan C. Lathrop said...

Followed. Your tumblr is already off to a rollicking start!

kindra said...

thanks Nath for the weheart site (you've got a great eye!)

tyler: i'm checking you out!

dylan: i miss you

Ellen van de Sande said...

Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! Interesting to see what you post, really nice.

Fine Little Day said...

I will be there!

Kickcan & Conkers said...

I'm following you, I love tumblr, you're right, should have done it sooner :)