Sunday, December 2, 2007

my sweet family

holiday funtime with my family after way too many bottles of wine.

christmas 2005--prehazel


chrisburns said...

Hi Kindra. Your blog is freaking amazing. Usually on blogger I expect some less-than-spectacular setup with giant fonts and 500 characters per line, but yours is pretty slick. Also it is super excellent that your kid has a blog already. It reminds me of the dooce .

Here is mine: At the top there is a "blogs" link which has a few other people that I know blogging, none of them are especially design savvy, but the bottom two are pretty interesting; blogging from Los Angeles and Argentinia.

chrisburns said...

Oh mang, that looks wrong. I didn't mean it to look like I'm pushing my blog on you.


Read that last post like this:
Kindra, I like your blog pages, and also, on a side note, here is my blog webpage, check them out too.