Powderhorn Empty Bowls: One of my favorite events of the year and one that i'm involved with on many levels. If you're in the Minneapolis area you've got to attend. Here's the jist: select from a amazing array of handmade bowls made by local artists and craftspeople, fill with hearty homemade soup/bread, meet your neighbors + make a freewill contribution (you get to keep your bowl)! Donations support the foodshelf at the
Division of Indian Work,
Sister's Camelot and upgrading Powderhorn Park RecCenter's kitchen. So many levels of awesomeness! i'd love to see you there.
If you'd like to volunteer making soup, serving, donating materials, etc. email Monica at monicakmcdaniel@gmail.com
I checked the emptybowl website and it appears to be corrupt, see the flyer for date, time and details.